Wednesday 26 September 2012

True Story (reality) just left a memory by her .

There's a boy (will be a man)  . His name is MFA . He is now 17 years old and was born on 20th May 1995 . He is a kind man , indeed . Gentle , good attitude and behaviour . He ever be in loved with a young girl who is 2 years younger than him during he was 15 . A name of a girl is CK (in Malay translation) .  He was very happy with that girl . A girl was also happy be with him . After long period he had been along with CK , CK ask for ending up a relationship . And he just accepted with redha.

After about few days later , CK can't forget him and still loves him so much . Afterawhile , CK asked him for improving back the relationship . Thank Allah , both of them be in love again . And then few weeks later , CK was reading a passage about couple is forbidden in Islam . CK felt very worry and nervous . She afraid if the sins will be rises and thus Allah will be punishing both of them . There was no way and method to think anymore except ending up the relationship once again .

CK decided to ask for the break up . and thus he just accept CK's request . CK was crying in the night . She felt very sad . She was still smile on the next morning because she want to forget the pain . But unfortunately , she still remember the moment of the break up .

It have been 3 years going , but both of them are still in touch by handphone . But now , they only keep in touch in FB .  It just quite sometimes . After few months later , CK realise that MFA posting a few love pictures which include love words in it . and every love pictures have been tagged with a girl name . It is NAA . On that moment , CK feels very touched and thankful . She is happy because MFA already has true princess in his life . CK text MFA to convey a nice words and wish the happiness for MFA's relationship .

CK has noticed that MFA and NAA be in love in long distance . But , CK very hope they will be happily ever after . MFA is very kind boy (man) because he has pure intention (niat yang murni lagi suci) . and when CK realize that MFA loves NAA soooooo much , CK wish they will be together and successful because she knows that MFA never let NAA go .

This is a prove why CK is saying MFA and NAA will be together >

CK have found this picture on MFA's profile in FB . CK sudden thinking , CK says whoever man love a girl and have intention to marriage the girl , he is a mature man . CK think and guess that MFA really serious be in love with NAA because he will take NAA as his wife as soon both of them be adult . 

After reading it , CK realise that she has to stop hoping from MFA . CK just pray for MFA's and NAA's happiness continuously . CK really .... REAlly .... and REALLY hope that both of them will be a true love relationship which guidance and blessed by Allah swt . InsyaAllah , Aamiin .

CK have left a note to me . She asked me to tell MFA :

Dear MFA ,

‘’Jagalah cinta hati awak dengan sebaik-baiknya . Gembirakanlah dia
apabila sedih . Hormatilah dan lindungilah dia sebab dia seorang perempuan . Walaupun jarak percintaan awak dengan dia jauh , tak bermakna itu satu penyeksaan . Biar jauh di mata asal dekat di hati . Fikirlah secara positif dan rasional bahawa kerana batasan , adat dan syariat , ia menguji kekuatan dan ketentuan iman insan yang sedang berkasih . Saya yakin , awak dan dia pasti bahagia . Harapan saya agar awak dan dia akan disatukan dalam ikatan pernikahan dewasa kelak . InsyaAllah akan dihijabkabulkan . Aamiin’’

The relationship between MFA nad CK were tough and strong just a few month . But CK hope that MFA and NAA will be together forever . Aamiin =) Assalamualaikum .