Friday 7 September 2012

Pra PMR (PMR Trial 2) really ? Oh yeah !

Yeeee-haaaa ! W0oo-ho0oo !  What I'm shouting about ? It's all about PMR . YEZZ , it is ! For your note , I had passed Trial PMR last month and the result is 5A3B , YEZZ , I'm not proud at all with my result because I have lost an A than a mid year exam which I got 6A , I said sorry to my teacher and she said 'this time , your result are not satisfy at all . It worse than before !' Ouch ! ='( I feel so upset . Even so , I will change it to be more better . I PROMISE , teacher =')

Keep away the sorrow and keep moving on forward to achieve new goals . As Pra PMR really just round a corner , I have to do more revision continuously . I hope I could do it ! Pray for me >,< If we are persistent in achieving our goals , eventually we will be successful . I open the Score A learning system to dating back passyears question very carefully because I want to do exercise especially English subject .

from 1996 pass years question are awesome ! and CHALLENGE ! I hope I would answer all papers test easily and kacang-ly =P InsyaAllah . I have lots of exercise book but all of it are not finish yet ! I have to accomplish all books before I get into Form 4 . yeah .

By the way , just focus to PMR , and pleaseeeeeeeee , no NOVEL ! I really want to read the novel which title 'Isteri-isteri Rasulullah dan anak-anaknya' Aw =) hahaha . just STOP thinking about non-school novel . Well , I have intend to print more pass years question for PMR Trial from others countries especially from Terengganu and Klantan because all question papers from there are more challenge because Terengganu province have lots of intelligent and brilliant students . Plus GENIUSES . wh0aaa !

see this =) They are soooooooooooooo happy !

All of them are the students who got 9A and 8A for PMR lasy year and I'm not sure from what school and what class . But I really wish I would get excellent result which 8A to grab like all of them ! Aamiin =)

I hope all of you will pray for my success and I will pray for the happiness for all of you . Thanks !

Just begin from today . NOW ! See ya =)