Thursday 9 August 2012

Thank you sooooooooooo much bestfriend !

Assalamualaikum Fajrul , I don't want to reply by mail because I don't really often open sabi.mosa yahoo account because I usually open sabirah_hermosa mail . I'd taken quite long time to remember back my yahoo password . That's why I give you my late respond . Oh Fajrul , How beautiful and cute your wishes are ! This is the cutest and most beautiful birthday wishes I ever gotten =) Thank you a million !! It's okay , a birthday without present is alright for me . But I think your wishes and that cute picture are enough . As you asked my condition , I am good alhamdulillah . How about you ?

This month is an exam season for PMR Trial  whereas real PMR will be held next October . It is not a student if has no challenges , problems , stress in school life , right ? So , that's usual thing that every student are facing . This is what I'm facing right now . The rate of pressure is increasing especially in exam season . I have no word to describe .. And I'm trying my best to control my feeling , healthy , mental and physical .

I by myself study in my room . When I feel sleepy , I make a cup of tea to be fresh until midnight . I know it's not good studying until midnight . I need a companion to study along with me . I just need one friend because I cannot study with many people around me . It's not comfortable .  I think it would be not so stress and boring if study and do revision with one friend . But I'm sure I'm still as a usual person . no worries , I'm not too pressure .

Guess what !? there's a few pimples on my face ! the most obvious is on my forehead , and one on my nose . What kind of test is this ? I think that's a natural phenomena right ? ^^' I just want a smooth and soft face and skin . That's all .. do you realize I am so fussy ? hehee... Maybe soon I'll be beautiful like my others friends . ^^' ***pray for me !

Hmmm... Fajrul , I'm so upset ! I had left 7 days Ramadhan because of woman's excuses . Last year my fasting was full because woman's excuses didn't come . but this year , it is so disappointed me ... I have to accept this fate anyway . Allah knows what the best for His mankind . I wish to substitute my left fasting on Syawal which Muslim sunat to fasting six day . You have known about it right ?

Well Fajrul , I have been waiting to know about your Final term's result . I'm so curious to get to know clever boy's examination result ! so be please to tell me ! Alright ? =D Tell me about your school life . what's the most challenge that you are facing before and right now ? I hope to get an e-mail from you soon ! SEE YA .
Have a ball ! that's mean 'have a good day' =)