Friday 27 July 2012

My favourite nasyeed group : UNIC .

Assalamualaikum , hi everyone . Khaifa Haluka ? it's mean How are you ? Subhan-Allah , I really passion of Arabic language . I hope I could completely understand Arabic language . I wish to take Arabic course when I grow up soon . Aamiin . ^^ Well , I want to share about my favourite nasyeed group in my country , Malaysia . As I written above , it is ... YES ! UNIC group . I want to tell a little bit more about this nasyeed group . This nasyeed group had grown since 2002 . It's still exist until now on , this 2012 . But , this group have changed something in it , but still produce very nice and benefit nasyeed to all people especially Muslims . All nasyeed song from this group are all about Islamic and it called da'wah song . Originally , UNIC nasyeed group have 4 members . They are :

1. Mohamad Fitri bin Mohamad Haris
2. Bazli Hazwan bin Che Osman
3. Mohd Afendi bin Haji Jahri 
4. Wan Sharifuddin bin Wan Hassan

Yet because of commitments and respective views , UNIC members have changed for several time . In year of 2007 , Fitri was announced himself to be apart from UNIC with the reason to focus on his study . The last album when he with UNIC was 'Langkah Tercipta' .
Eventhough so , UNIC is continuing their nasyeed group and the same musics concept that want to slip Islamic da'wah in nasyeed song (entertainment) . Eventually , in year of 2012 , UNIC is continuing remain 3 members . They are :

1. Bazli Hazwan bin Che Osman
2. Ahmad Fadzli bin Ab. Aziz
3. Mohd Fakhrul Radhi bin Khamarudin

see , the above image is origin UNIC members , whereas the under above picture is UNIC new members except Fazli , he is still join UNIC =)

If you want to know UNIC album since 2002 until now , 2012 . You may click here , and check out for the album in schedule , they are many nasyeed song here > All about UNIC  which so meaningful and touched me as a girl and Muslim =') Actually , I have admired another nasyeed groups such as , Hijjaz , In-Team , and so many more . But I love UNIC group most =) Simply to say I love all nasyeed in this world and Arabic song , English nasyeed song by Maher Zain , Sami Yusof and Raef which have grown under Awakening Record . It's awesome . 

Well , I think I should stop typing , because PMR Trial will be held tomorrow . Pray for me so that I could face examination easily and calmly . Thanks for all of your supports , loves and cares =') Until next post =)