Monday 18 June 2012


My result !! Subhan-Allah , Masha-Allah , yeah...... Alhamdulillah , I can't deny this kind of result =') Thanks Allah , I hope I would get more better results . Ameen . I'm sorry pals ^^'

Assalamualaikum , hi guys =) Alhamdulillah I already received my result from SAPS =) I am so thankful of what I've got . I hope I would get more better result , maybe this result shows my efforts in along preparing for examination . I hope I would be more clever =) Insya-Allah , Amin =) I get some A's but I don't want to tell how much because I am shy . don't force me to tell you the truth because at least I have told you I already get my result right ? So what about my friends' result ? Oh ! How speechless I am , for sure , they are all cleverer than me =) Alhamdulillah , there are lots of clever , intelligent , wise and brilliant studentts nowadays right ? say what ? Alhamdulillah , Allah still love us =) So , I have tell you my exam result , this is tour turn to tell me yours !! =) I have one advice here , if you get any failed for any subject , or you get C grade and do not satisfied on marks , don't you ever feel regret ! always think and stay positive , just think that this is a test from Allah SWT , Allah just want to challenge you , so , you must wake up with new spirit to change it to be more better , confident yourself and all will be best !! =) the most important is always remember our creator , Allah SWT =) Whoever attempts , they will succeed =) Insya-Allah . Allah's will . Don't ask Allah why you don't get something good , but ask yourself whether you are attempts and diligent enough to face all test from Allah . Until next post =D