Sunday 1 January 2012

Happy New Year everyone !

Hi ! I wish Happy New Year 2012 to all of you ! =D I hope everybody already set your own resolution . What is your new resolution for this year 2012 ? Share with me guys ! =D Do you want to know my resolution for this year ? Okay....... This year , I want to be a very useful person and student . I want to study hard and smart , I want to be more friendly and nice with public , I want to perform my Solah (prayer) full everyday . I don't want leave Solah any more ! I'm scared of Allah . I want to always listening to my parents' advice . For definition here , I want to be a better person than before . Pray for me guys ! Oh Allah , I hope you will help me to fulfil my dream and I hope you always help me in every work I do . Amin.... Friends , no worries , I always remember all of you and sure I will pray for all of your safety and happiness . Keep spirit...! Oh my ! PMR season ~~~~
Here I give you the Kuala Lumpur's New Year view from distance >>>

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Assalamualaikum. hi there. Thanks for reading. May it is helpful and informative for you guys. do leave a comment.