Wednesday 27 March 2013

School break is over!!


1 week school break is enough right? Be thankful always even though you are not ready to back to school. as usual, I will face with daily school activities. Full of happiness, sweetness, bitterness and hurts. I hope I am ready enough to face new challenges and obstacles day by day. About subjects...I have no word to say. Only Allah knows how I feel.

And yeah, maybe I must have tough and strong mental and physical as there will be no school break in April and plus with sekolah ganti!! Only weekend is my break but it will be not like weekend when there will be pile of homework have to be completed and yes it will be finished. InshaaAllah.

I think I am happy this time of school break bicycle have fixed! Alhamdulillah! I can ride it again for this teenage age <3 there is one little friend which soooooo 'dedit' was surprising 'fuyoo....sabirah pandai main basikal'. Yeah I know your papa teach you riding a motorcycle!!

It's okay, when I become 18, I will know how to RIDE and DRIVE. pray for meeeee >< about cartoon movie, horror and fantasy movies, I'm soooooooo eager to know the latest movie about it in cinema. I have left far away behind....I don't know much about development of movie industry. It's okay, as long as my cats still with me. I am just feel that happiness. playing together with them, is one of the best part in my life. Thanks cats, you are my friend <3

Now, to head off to reality world of study in SMKBG, I have to be tough and strong. I think, I may not be the cleverest student in grade 10th year of 2013, even want to be among top 10 student? is just only be my sweet dream. not because I give up, but because I trust Allah will give me another chance. Allah always give but only me who is always demand and request to I am a poor slave of Him.

Please remind to self. note to self that our beauty, love, life, days, nights, wealth, prayers, and everything is belongs to Allah. we are just borrowing from Him, when time's right. He will take it back. be thankful of what you have now. Be patient what you don't have. Be satisfy what you get even it is not good for you. Allah knows what the best, Just please always having good thought toward Allah, the almighty God. 

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