Friday 21 December 2012

Congratulations my friends .

Assalamualaikum wbt . hi everybody . How are you ? I hope all of you are in the pink . PMR result was came out on Wednesday . And it was.... it was.... Alhamdulillah ! I have lots of friends got straight 9A's and 8A's . Congrats to you guyzzz . But I didn't get my target to achieve 8A's . I got 1B , B is .. sejarah . Sejarah subject . It's quite embarrassing , really . why I'm saying so ? yeah , that's because I don't really conquer enough the history of my own country , Malaysia . But Alhamdulillah , thank to Allah . Allah is the best planner . So maybe this is my faith which have set by Him . I have to improve more on History . Inshaa Allah .
Alhamdulillah ! Congratulations my friend in 3A1 who got 8A's ! Imtiazah , Nadia , Azam , Anas , Arissa and many more friends from 3B1 and 3C1 , I'm not remember all . I'm sorry guys if your name is not mention here . Keep struggling for the upcoming exam ! For those of you who didn't achieve your target and didn't satisfy on your pmr result . But we have to be thankful to Allah instead of feeling don't satify on your result . It's alright ! Our journey and battle in study is not yet finish !! we still have SPM , University exam and test which we have to face to .

I don't know why I'm feeling happy . Alhamdulillah . I'm happy when seeing my friend got an excellent result with flying colours ! their cheerful and happy tear very touched me and burning my passion to be an excellent student like all of them . Thank you so much for inspiring me =') I pray to you guys so that Allah will always have mercy upon all of you .

Remember friend , if we get something that made us feel happy or proud , don't ever feeling comfy with that . I don't mean to scared you guys . I say so because something that happy is just temporary . Even when something made you feel very sad , don't be extremely sad because it won't long lasting . You know.. this life is just a circle . Just look at the earth that we live on is a round shape right ? Whatever we do in this life will upside down and will come back to us . We will feel what people felt and other people will also feel what we have felt . Something like 'What You Give , You Will Get Back' .

So be sure , and rethink many times when something happy or bad happen on us . Why it's happened on me ? Don't just easy to regret and over-proud . Have faith in Allah , InshaaAllah , Allah will help us in along our journey to the right path . As my friend said , when we feel happy either sad , first of all , we must grateful to Allah by saying Alhamdulillah . And then it's better if we do sujud syukur . even better , make a majlis kesyukuran so that many people would pray for us .

In this life , we must keep practicing , trying , attempting , patient and every feeling that Islam have taught us . A good feeling and spirit . Congratulations once again to you guys ! You guys are incredibly awesome ! All people in this world are awesome in just the way we are ! As Aiman Azlan says ; “if we don't have any exam or test to worry about , always remember when death is come , we will face the judgement day , and then , the exam will begin” *sorry for my English* alright buddies , Assalamualaikum wa ma'assalamah . Until next post .

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Assalamualaikum. hi there. Thanks for reading. May it is helpful and informative for you guys. do leave a comment.