Thursday 24 May 2012

Freedom for awhile

yey ! Oh , Assalamualaikum . Phew...... after 2 weeks facing the mid year exam , finally it is finished today . How I feel so happy ! why ? yeah , I can release my tension and throw all of my stress and pressure away ! I will go to my small home town at Ipoh , Perak this Tuesday . so , I can feel and breath new fresh village air . I hope my school break would full of benefit and useful things and activities . Even I've gotten this holiday , I have to do more revision anyhow . That's because I would face second test and PMR trial after this holiday . I hope I could behave myself and train more love to do revision , especially Sejarah and Geografi . But........... from the bottom of my heart , I really worry about my exam result . I have left all things to Allah . and I hope , I would accept and grateful whenever receive my result . Oh Allah , please give me calmness and peaceful in along waiting for mid year result . I wish I could get a good result . and I'm sure all of my friends , especially 3A1 would get the BEST result on this mid term exam ! AMIN .