Saturday 21 April 2012

Today is the BEST day ever again .

Ya Assalamualaikum . Hey guys , Alhamdulillah (Thank God) I was so happy today at school . you know,  my activities were so compact today ! First in the morning , I had joined the march tournament for school level . Started from 7:30 a.m until 11:30 a.m . It was so fun . I am representative for Puteri Islam uniform . Although our march was not so great , at least we did our best already . and the decision was Puteri Islam got fourth rank . and I was so proud by Bomba marching , Police and KRS . Their marching was very great and neat . And last KRS got first rank for girls and Bomba got first rank also but for boys . Not forget , that PBSM also did their best and they got second rank .

After we finished our march tournament , I went to Biology laboratory to sees Science Fair . There are lots of experiment that perform by form 4 and form 5 students . there have no representative from form 3 student except from our class . Me , Athirah , Rosmawati , Nadia and Syazana were delegate for this Science Fair by represent three experiment , that is , tournado experiment , dry ice bubble and do not open the bottle =) we did it our best ! Alhamdulillah because our experiments were so famous today . there were lots of students came to see our experiment . and we were so tired because every group of student even teachers who come to us , we have to explain and elaborate again and again what is the experiment all about . Phew ! Even so , we were so enjoyed it . In a long in Science lab , I walked around lab , table to table to see another experiment and MAGIC !! you know , I see the experiment which the money cannot burn when set in fire . that 's because of science technique . I had listen what the explanation about that experiment but I didn't really understand because it is about Form 4 lesson . what I realized is that paper money was soak in salt solution and ahhh.... I forgot it . but it was so amazing ! =) you know , one boy from form 5 student elaborate to me about the kind of  Science experiment between Chemistry and Physic experiment (personally) how kind he was =) He asked me to do one egg experiment at home . It is quite simple experiment , InsyaAllah I will try it . Well I think I have written lots today . The conclusion is : I was so happy today because today was very cheerful with friendly friends , friendly squad from other uniforms , and also friendly teachers .

ohh . forget to say that my purse was lost today ='( I don't know where my purse spilled . I'm a bit sad because there is one pendrive and 15 $ in my purse ='( maybe this is one of TEST from Allah for His mankind . I hope I would discover back my purse . If not , yeah , Its okay . perhaps this is what we called , there will be something wrong happens when we are really happy and over excited and enjoyed everything .

Until next post ='( =') =')